Therapy Plan of Care Update


To train Clinicians in the steps to update your Plan of Care by entering a New Order and updating the Changes Needed to Plan of Care in the skilled visit note.

Video Demonstration:

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Clinician will select 'New Order'
    1. NOTE – this order type can only be completed within a Service Code billable visit, it can not be done through Medical Records. 
  2. In Order Type, select 'PLAN OF CARE UPDATE'
  3. A warning will prompt, proceed to select 'UPDATE POC'

  4. Pathways will appear, you can scroll to review Pathways and when ready to edit, click on the pathway you would like to edit.
    2. NOTE - once Pathway is updated you will need to click 'Next' to proceed through all potential pathways
  5. Once in the Pathway, the ‘Yes’ button should be selected and a Confirmation will appear. Select ‘Yes’ in the Confirmation to proceed. 
    1. NOTE - once Pathway is updated you will need to click 'Next' to proceed through all potential pathways.  
  6. Once pertinent Pathway(s) are selected, click 'View Instructions' to customize your order/goal text as you do when completing your original Plan of Care.
  7. Locate the Order Text and Goal Text associated with the Pathway(s) added and customize to your patient. Then Save. 

  8. Enter Verbal Order Information.
    1. NOTE - Verbal Orders are required to update the Interventions on your Plan of Care.
  9. Save Order
  10. Navigate to the Physical Assessment in Visit Actions and select 'CHANGES NEEDED TO PLAN OF CARE'
    1. Select Changes needed for New or Changed Treatment Orders and confirm Patient/Caregiver were informed and verbalized changes: