HCHB Non Visit Activity


Non-Visit Activities are to be used to track tasks outside of visits that are scheduled to your rolling calendar. Examples would include the tracking of an Orientation, an Attempted Visit, or a Meeting. It is important that these Non-Visit Activities are added timely and accurately. Below you will find instructions on how to Add as well as view Non-Visit Activities. 

Adding a Non-Visit Activity:

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu 

  1. Select Agent 

  1. Select Non-Visit Activity

  1. Select Add 


  1. Select your Branch (if you see patients at more than one branch)  

  1. Select the Type of Non-Visit Activity 

    1. Note: the types you see in your drop-down list may vary. You will see 1 or many types.   

  2. Fill out details as appropriate.

    1. Note: depending on the Type chosen, certain field may be available or grayed out if not applicable to that specific 'Type'.

    2. Options to fill out may include 'start time', 'end time', 'mileage', 'address', and 'details'.

  1. Save, then SYNC.


Viewing Non-Visit Activity and Visit Time 

  1. Navigate to the Main Menu 

  1. Select Agent 

  1. Select Time Tracker 


  1. To view an individual day’s times, select the date