Contracted New Hire Onboarding Process


Direct Care Worker Orientation:


To guide branch on a clear smooth process for onboarding a new clinician that will promote employee satisfaction throughout the training program. Each office has the opportunity to establish the expectations for job performance, provide training, provide remediation if necessary and develop the professional relationship to form the foundation for a long-term team member


Decrease rate of employee turnover of less than 40% and increase of employee satisfaction survey.

Branch Office Process Prior To Start Date:

  1. Executive Director will utilize Branch Orientation Checklist   to track that all items are completed for the orientation period.
    1. Utilize as a resource to keep track of new hires and where they are at in orientation at the weekly time points.
  2. Branch office leadership:
    1. Identify main field preceptor.
    2. Branch Office employee who hired the clinician must request IT access in a timely manner to ensure equipment and log in's are set up.
      1. Follow this article to ensure new employee will have access upon hire date.
        1. New Hire Ticket Submission Instructions
      2. Visit the Service Center and select the IT Support tile to schedule an appointment using one of the following request forms for the employee first day to allow IT to assist in set up:
        1. Tablet New device setup.
        2. Lap Top New device setup.
          • A minimum of 1-day (Mon-Fri) lead time is required for scheduled appointments.
          • Include the new hire’s phone number for IT to call.
          • Scheduling changes should be communicated via the Service Center by adding a comment in the request.
      3. Executive Director to coordinate a training plan for new clinician.
        1. Microsoft Teams meeting preferred and should include Executive Director, Clinical Manager, Assistant Clinical Manager/trainer/preceptor/field clinician to shadow.
          1. Being prepared and having good coordination prior to the employee starting can be a key factor in a great experience for the new hire.
          2. Topics:
            1. Review field preceptor expectations with Clinical Manager and Administrator:
              1. Field preceptor will have new hire shadow them while performing visits.
            2. Field preceptor may use teams to share Point Care screen with new hire during visits. 
              1. This will allow new hire to follow charting and observe in home visit workflow and how field preceptor charts and works the EMR into the visit to assure efficiency of documentation and time management.
            3. (if applicable) Expectation that Field  preceptor will demonstrate any areas of competent skilled procedures that new hire has determined via the Self skills that are marked as a B or C.
              1. Field  preceptor (if applicable due to not provided by contracting agency)will then observe new hire perform skill and when new hire is competent sign off on the Nursing New Hire Self Evaluation Competency located in the new hire folder.
              2. Therapy will complete the Therapy Competency per like discipline.
          3. Review New Hire Prep includes putting together discipline specific material prior to clinician start date to distribute on first day of employment.
            1. Nurse Orientation Folder Setup including discipline specific competency
              1. Clinician bag and other forms/tools to help  clinician be successful during patient visits.
                1. Nursing tools: Below tools can be printed for nurses and given so clinician has access to while in the homes to distribute as applicable to patients to assist with knowledge.  These tools are beneficial for HHCAHPS and clinician experience with case management and communication with patients/caregivers.
                  1. Medication Handout Tools
                  2. Zone Tools Educational Handouts
                  3. Safety Handout Tools
                  4. Nurse Toolbox Setup
            2. Therapy Orientation Folder Set Up
              1. Therapy Clinical Bag and Handouts

Process for start date:

  1. Clinician Training Log consist of a Branch Orientation and a Clinical Orientation
    NOTE: Contracted staff DO NOT need to go to the General Orientation provided by People Services)
    1. Branch Orientation is the time that the new hire will spend with the Branch Leadership reviewing the items on the training logs.
      1. This time will allow new hire to familiarize self with the office processes and expectations of leadership.
      2. This is the foundation of orientation and employee retention.
    2. Clinical Orientation includes the self learning areas that the new hire is able to review and then work with the preceptor and office leadership to ensure that all Q&A are addressed.  In general, Clinical Orientation part of training log should be completed in the first 2 weeks to allow time in the next 2-3 weeks for patient care.
  2. Shadow Visits and Productivity:
    1. Branch leadership is responsible for coordinating with schedulers and preceptor the appropriate amount of shadow visits based on new hire needs. 
    2. Branch leadership is responsible for productivity of new hire to ensure mentoring throughout the orientation period including questions and answers related to visits types and home health scenarios, mentoring in home for infection control, and case management skills.
  3. Weekly Touch Base with the Branch Leadership to see how the clinician is doing, answer any outstanding questions, and review the orientation training log and skills competency checklist to ensure they are on track/progressing.  Executive Director to use the Branch Orientation Checklist For New Hires to ensure all areas have been completed for employee and to keep them on track with orientation.
    1. NOTE: Leadership can utilize the Branch Orientation Checklist as a tool and it does not need to become part of the HR file, the training log's  and other required forms will be added to the HR file to show training was completed.
  4. Final Action/Section of training log will be the last weekly meeting to assure that the Training folder is turned into the office to be added to the HR file.
  5. The orientation is concluded when all the items on the training log have been satisfactorily completed. The training log needs to be forwarded along with the skills competency to place in the employee HR folder.
    1. New hire will ensure each area needing initials and sign the training log at the bottom to acknowledge they were trained to each item.
    2. Self Eval/Competency should be reviewed for completion and signed by new hire and manager.
  6. Branch Leadership will continue to coordinate with employee as needed for continued education/competencies to ensure that employee has a knowledge of home health expectations, patient care and productivity.